
Ordinance Establishing Well Registration, Metering, and Reporting Requirements (Ordinance No. 1)

First Amendment to Ordinance Establishing Well Registration, Metering, and Reporting Requirements (Ordinance No. 2)

Second Amendment to Ordinance Establishing Well Registration, Metering, and Reporting Requirements (Ordinance No. 3)


UVRGA Resolution Conflict of Interest

UVRGSA BOD Resolution No. 2017-1

UVRGSA Resolution No.2017-2

UVRGA Resolution 2017-3

UVRGA Resolution 2017-4

UVRGA Resolution 2017-5

UVRGA Resolution 2018-1

Resolution 2018-1B

UVRGA Resolution 2018-2

UVRGA Resolution 2018-3

UVRGA Resolution 2018-4

Resolution 2018-5

Resolution 2018-6

Resolution 2018-7

Resolution 2018-8

Resolution 2019-1

Resolution-2019-2 (Honoring Cece Vandermeer)

Resolution-2019-3 (Basis of Accounting)

Resolution 2019-4 (Groundwater Extraction Fee)

Resolution 2019-5 (Change of Prinicipal Address)

Resolution 2021-1 (CEQA NOE for WCB Grant Monitoring Sites)

Resolution-No.-2021-02 (Check Signers)

Resolution-No.-2021-03 (Modify Bylaws Section 7.2)

Resolution-No.-2021-04 (Check Signers)

Resolution-No.-2021-05 (Authorizing Teleconferencing for Public Meetings)

Resolution-No.-2022-01 (Groundwater Sustainability Plan Adoption)

Resolution-2022-02 (Honoring Larry Rose)

Resolution-No.-2022-03 (Agency E-Mail Policy)

Resolution-2022-04 (Honoring Diana Engle) – pending signatures

Resolution-2022-05 (Groundwater Extraction Fees for Fiscal Year 2022/2023)

Resolution-2022-06 (Designating Check Signing Authority).

Resolution-2022-07 Conflict of Interest Code Update

Resolution-2022-08 Authorizing SGMA Implementation Grant Application

Resolution-2023-01 Conflict of Interest Code Update

Resolution-2023-02 (Groundwater Extraction Fees for Fiscal Year 2023/2024)

Resolution-2023-03 Investment Policy

Resolution-2023-04 (Designating Check Signing Authority).

Resolution-2023-05 (Amend Bylaws Section 7.4).

Resolution-2023-06 (Authorize Investment Accounts) – Repealed via Resolution No 2024-02

Resolution-2023-07 (Amend Bylaws Section 7.2)

Resolution-2023-08 (Authorize Bank of America Signers) – Repealed via Resolution No 2024-02

Resolution-2023-09 (Authorize Pacific Western Bank Signers) – Repealed via Resolution No 2024-02

Resolution-2023-10 (Authorize Bank of Sierra Signers)

Resolution-2024-01 (Authorize Ventura County Treasury Pool)

Resolution-2024-02 (Repeal Resolution Nos. 2023-06, -08, and -09)

Resolution-2024-03 Executive Director Purchasing Authority

Resolution-2024-04 (Groundwater Extraction Fees for Fiscal Year 2024/2025