About Us

The Upper Ventura River Groundwater Agency was formed in December 2016 by the five public agencies described below using a Joint Powers Agreement (see Library for copy of “Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement). The Agency became aGroundwater Sustainability Agency (an official agency authorized by the Department of Water Resource to prepare a Groundwater Sustainability Plan) in 2017. The agency is governed by a seven member Board of Directors consisting of one director from each public agency and two stakeholder directors representing environmental and agricultural interests.

Please click on the link below to view the final JPA for the Upper Ventura Basin GSA.

UVRB JPA Agreement for the Upper Ventura River GroundwaterAgency FINA….


Assembly Bill 2151 Compliance:  Assembly Bill 2151 requires public agencies to post all copies of the required filings on its website within 72 hours of the applicable filing deadline.  This requirement may be satisfied by providing a link to the Secretary of State’s website that provides the copies of the required filings.  To search for required filings, please click here.