The Ventura River near Meiners Oaks

Public Meetings

Agency meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at Ventura River Water District, 409 Old Baldwin Road, Ojai, CA 93023. Public attendance is welcomed. Agendas with agenda packets are listed below 72 hours or more before the meeting.

If you would like to be placed on our email notification list, please send an email to

Latest News

The next scheduled regular Board meeting is November 14, 2024 at 1:00 pm, location TBD.


***PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE***:  A second public hearing will be held during the November 14, 2024 Board meeting concerning proposed replacement of UVRGA Ordinance Nos. 1-3 concerning Well registration, flow metering, and extraction reporting requirements.  Please click here for the new draft ordinance.


***Spring 2024 Newsletter***


***Draft Water Year 2022/2023 Annual Report***


***Water Year 2022/2023 Monitoring Programs Data Memoranda are available on the Sustainability Plan Page***


***The Aquatic GDE Field Trip was held on Nov. 30. Click here to view the field trip handouts***

***Spring 2023 Newsletter***

***UVRGA GSP Approved by DWR.  Click here to view the DWR GSP approval letter.***  


***OVLC 2021 and 2023 stream mapping and drone imagery.  Visit our “Useful Links” page for more info***


***The Fisal Year 2021-2022 Audit documents are available for review.  Click here to view the audit documents***

***The Water Year 2023 Annual Report was Adopted on March 9, 2023 Click here to view the report***

***Water Year 2021/2022 Monitoring Reports Available***

Groundwater Level Data Report 

Ventura River Visual Monitoring Report 

Riparian GDE Monitoring Report


***Stakeholder Engagement Plan Updated November 2022***  Click here to view the updated plan.



Existing wells must be registered within 30 days of notification by UVRGA.  Personalized notifications are scheduled for mailing on September 16, 2022.  Please keep an eye out for your personalized notification.  

Click here for well registration and flowmeter compliance instructions

Click here for the Well Registration and Flowmeter Documentation Form

Click Here for the Well Registration, Metering, and Reporting Ordinance (Ordinance No. 1)

Click Here for the first amendment to the Well Registration, Metering, and Reporting Ordinance (Ordinance No. 2)

Click Here for the second amendment to the Well Registration, Metering, and Reporting Ordinance (Ordinance No. 3)

Click here for a tutorial on how to determine if your well is located within the Upper Ventura River Groundwater Basin

***Aquatic GDE Monitoring Plans and Response to Comments Approved August 11, 2022***

Click here to view the approved workplans, response to comments

***Groundwater Extraction Fees for Fiscal Year 22/23***

On June 9, 2022, UVRGA adopted new groundwater extraction fees for the period July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.  Click here to view the resolution.

***Final Annual Report Available*** 

Click here to view the final annual report.

***Winter Newsletter Available*** 

Click here to view the Winter Newsletter, Vol. 3, Issue 1.

***New Environmental Stakeholder Director***

Please join us in welcoming Vivon Crawford to the UVRGA Board of Directors. Ms. Crawford was appointed on January 13, 2022 and replaces Director Larry Rose who was with UVRGA since the beginning. Larry Rose made many valuable contributions during his time on the UVRGA Board. Ms. Crawford comes to us from the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy where she serves as the Restoration Program Manager. We look forward to collaborating with Director Crawford.

***GSP Adopted***

The UVRGA Board of Directors adopted the GSP during is Special Board meeting on January 6, 2022 and was submitted to the Department of Water Resources (DWR) on January 24, 2022 for assessment. DWR will be accepting public comments on the GSP beginning soon. For more information or to submit comments, please visit the DWR SGMA Portal. Thank you to all stakeholders who provide input during the planning process. Stay tuned for next steps on GSP implementation, including publication of UVRGA’s first annual report in March 2022.  Click here to view Resolution 2022-01 adopting the GSP.  The GSP is available for viewing or download on the DWR SGMA Portal or here.

***GSP Comment Responses & Revisions***

The GSP Development team has carefully reviewed all comments received during the draft GSP public comment period. A detailed comment response table has been prepared and the draft GSP has been updated based on the comments.  Click here to view the comment responses and GSP edits.

***Tentative Date for GSP Public Hearing December 9, 2021, 1 p.m.***

The UVRGA Board of Directors will hold a public hearing prior to adopting the GSP to receive and consider further comments prior to adopting the GSP. The tentative date and time for the GSP Public Hearing is December 9, 2021, 1 p.m.  Stay tuned for more information.


The Draft GSP was released for public comment on August 10.  The public comment period is now closed.

The final GSP will include substantial revisions to the degraded water quality sustainable management criteria.  For more information, please review:

Click here to view our Special Newsletter, Vol. 2, Issue 3 – Draft GSP Release and Comment Period

***GSP Workshops***

UVRGA held two public workshops in September concerning the draft GSP:

Workshop 4A:

Hosted by Ventura River Watershed Council (

Held September 3, 1 p.m.

Presentation Slides

Meeting Recording 


Workshop 4B:

Hosted by UVRGA

Held September 23, 1 p.m.

Presentation Slides


July 22, 2021 Update: Video Animation Illustrating Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions and Pumping Effects in the Upper Ventura River Basin. Click here to view the video.

July 17, 2021 Update:        The UVRGA Summer Newsletter is now available!  Get the latest information about groundwater sustainability plan development. Click here to view the newsletter


UVRGA GSP Workshop #3 was held on April 29, 2021.  Click here for Workshop #3  presentations.

UVRGA GSP Workshop #2 was held on March 2.Click here for Workshop #2 Presentations

Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 1 (Winter 2021)

Groundwater Sustainability Plan Schedule: Click here for the latest schedule.

GSP Sustainability Goal: The UVRGA adopted the Sustainability Goal on August 13, 2020.

UVRGA Public Workshop #1 was held on July 20, 2020.  Click here for the workshop presentations.

UVRGA Executive Director SGMA Overview Presentation to VRWC 6/4/2020

SMC Development Flowchart

Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 2

Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 1

UVRGA GSP Template

Navigating Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.
( Click Here )

Meetings are underway now. Important decisions are being made. All stakeholders are invited to participate. Read more >>


Ventura River Watershed Adjudication


Thank you for visiting the Upper Ventura River Groundwater Agency Website.  Upper Ventura River Groundwater Agency (UVRGA) is a local public agency created in 2017 to comply with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) (  Although SGMA charges UVRGA with responsibility for and powers to manage the groundwater resources of the Upper Ventura River Groundwater Basin (, the UVRGA is currently not party to the adjudication and has no authority to determine water rights.

For more information about the adjudication, please visit the following websites:

If you have received a Notice of Commencement of Groundwater Basin Adjudication or a Summons in the case of Santa Barbara Channelkeeper v. State Water Resources Control Board; City of San Buenaventura; City of San Buenaventura v. Duncan Abbott, et al., Cross-Complaint, Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles, Case No. 19STCP01176, you are encouraged to contact your water provider and/or attorney for more information.

If you have additional questions about this matter, you may also contact the City of San Buenaventura’s attorney:

Dakotah Benjamin

Best, Best & Krieger LLP

2001 N. Main Street, Suite 390

Walnut Creek, CA 94596


Santa Barbara Channelkeeper v. SWRCB, et al. Comprehensive Groundwater Adjudication Case No. 19STCP01176 Notice & Form Answer

Proposed Basin Boundary Change

UVR_Mod_Geol-web_430-280The GSA Formation Committee is pursuing formal modification of the existing groundwater basin boundaries to more accurately reflect current knowledge of geologic conditions. Read More >>

State Law


In 2014, the California Legislature enacted comprehensive legislation aimed at strengthening local control and management of groundwater basins throughout the state. Read More >>

Basin Overview

River-rocks-&-mountains-web 430

The Upper Ventura River Groundwater Basin is one of four water supply basins in the Ventura River watershed, and one of two required by new state law to be managed sustainably. Read More >>